Know the Top Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)- 2021
Win Keyfinder Frequently asked questions and their Answers (FAQ)., the FAQ will help you to know the cause of some error or just find an answer to one your Question
How can I change Product key in Visa/ 7 Operating systems
To Change a Product Key in Vista/ 7 OS Follow these simple steps.
1. Click on Start Menu
2. Click on Control Panel
3. Click on System
4. In the bottom where it says Product ID next to that you will find a link which says Change product key, click on that.
Alternative method to Change Product CD Key in Windows 10, Windows 8/ Windows 7/Windows Vista
1. Click on Start menu.
2. right click on My Computer and select Properties.
3. In the bottom where it says Product ID next to that you will find a link which says Change product key, click on that.On Windows 10
To Change a Product key on Windows 10 Follow the following steps:
1. Click on Start Button
2. Highlight File Explorer, Right Click on it and Select Properties
3. In the System Properties window, on Bottom-right corner, there is option to change the Product Key! -
Why Change Key button is disabled on Vista and 7
This method of changing product key has been enabled only for Windows XP operating systems. There is a easy method to change Windows Product key in Vista/ 7
Win keyFinder Unexpected Errors
Un expected error usually happens when the required files for the WinKeyfinder are not present in the system, solution for this problem is to download these required files, please use the below information to find these files and install the files in your system
For VB5, get MSVBVM50.EXE from the Microsoft web site. The information and downloads are in the Knowledge base article Q180071.
For VB6, get VBRun60sp4.EXE from the Microsoft web site at Q235420 FILE: VBRun60sp4.exe Installs Visual Basic 6.0 SP4 Run-Time Files.
I hope the error will go away, after installing the required files for Winkeyfinder to run, how ever if you run into any trouble please use our (contact for help via contact us form) to report the errors -
Winkeyfinder 1.73 RC1 & Office 2007, Will it work
You may try Winkeyfinder 1.75 Final, Version 2.05 Or Version 2.1
Changing Volume Serial – For Windows XP
You an read the entire Article about it here
Missing file Errors
Windows 95, 98, or Me:
regsvr32 \windows\system\COMDLG32.OCX
Windows NT or 2000:
regsvr32 \WINNT\system32\COMDLG32.OCX
Windows XP:
regsvr32 \windows\system32\COMDLG32.OCX
You should see a message saying “DllRegisterServer … succeeded”
If you are getting an error telling you that the file is missing,
then you are not typing the command in correctly. You will need to type it in *exactly* as
shown above for your operating system.* Please note that there is a SPACE after “regsvr32” and before the rest of the command.
You should probably copy and paste the command so that you are unable to mistype it.
You can download it from >>Here click here to get search resules COMDLG32.OCX
Note: This Article Applies All previous Versions of WinkeyFinder from 1.50 – 1.66 -
Where can I get help?
Contact me via contact us page or send email to [email protected]
I have MS Office 2000, but my product key is not displayed
DigitalProductID if not present in the registry the Program will not be able to find the product key.
I’m trying to find a product key, I’m Getting BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB.
Those sets of keys indicate your were running a volume license client copy of Windows 8.1 Pro./ Enterprise
Volume License copies of Windows 8.1 Pro/ Enterprise are only licensed to larger companies doing large deployments of Windows.
The above FAQ are compiled over a period of time, if your question is not answered in the above FAQ, you may write to me or comment below.
The program needs a way to search a given disk drive. My laptop AND virtual xp disks became corrupted after installing and trying to uninstall Commodo Antivirus. I put my laptop’s disk into an external USB enclosure. However! WinKeyFinder v2.1 has no way to set which disk drive it looks at. I’m going to try copying the executable over to that disk drive but I don’t know if that will work or not (ie: running it from THAT hard drive). Instead, I think it will just give me my Windows 10 key again. :-( This is one of those Oops! moments when you realize you did something stupid and are trying to figure out how to fix it. :-)
Yep. It just reports my Windows 10 key. Bummer. Can you change it to allow someone to put in which disk drive to look on? Thanks if you can!
This feature I had been working on, but due to lack of time, I could not complete it. I will see if I can complete this/
Oh this is really bad, however I know one product key finder which had this feature you can use that product key finder to get your product key from a 2ndary disc.